Pastel de cabracho

How to cook "Pastel de Cabracho" Fish Pudding

This preparation is typical of northern Spain.  I discovered it in Gijón (Asturias), where in most of its bars and cider houses we can enjoy this sea dish to share, with a nice  glass of cider.

One of the things that makes "PASTEL DE CABRACHO"  very interesting recipe is the fish used.
 The great nutritional value and the delicious flavor of this rockfish, Scorpion fish, makes this traditional Spanish recipe one of the most famous dishes among the locals of this beautiful region.

Asturias, Spain

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • Scorpion fish ”Cabracho” 400 g. 
  • Prawns 4 u.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • Shallots 3 u.
  • Leek 1 u.
  • Carrot 1 u.
  • Tomato sce. 100 ml.
  • Cream 150 ml.
  • Eggs 8 u.
  • Salt.
  • White pepper.
  • Mayonnaise.

Scorpion fish


  • Cook the whole Cabracho in water with a bay  leave during 10 min.
  • Remove it from the water, and leave it cool down for few minutes.
  •  Remove the meat of the fish taking away bones and no eatable parts.
  • Preserve the fish meat to use later.
  • Next put a pan in a medium heat, to add the brunoise of shallots, leek, carrot and garlic.
  • Brown them, then add the skinless prawns to the pan.
  • When prawns are cooked, pour the cream, tomato sce. ,salt and pepper.

fish pudding ingredients

  • Bring it to a boil and take it out of the fire to cool it down.
  • Finally place the mix in a food processor with the eggs and the preserved fish meat.
  • Blend it for two minutes and place it in a mold previously buttered.
  • Put in in the oven about an hour , 200 degrees in bain Marie.

fish pudding preparation

This dish is traditionally served with crispy breads, or biscottes and mayonnaise.  And it is spread like a pate.  It is ideal as a starter or appetizer with a fresh glass of natural cider.

Pastel de cabracho

 I hope you'll enjoy it !

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